Fibonacci Numbers and its Discovery

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Fibonacci numbers are a defined set of numbers that we can find in nature very often. The sequence of these numbers was discovered by the Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci who was also known as Leonardo of Pisa during his initial years. We can find many textbooks and scriptures that deny the fact that these numbers were discovered by Fibonacci.

However, till today, it is widely accepted across the world that Fibonacci numbers were found out by Leonardo Fibonacci. In this article, we will understand how Leonardo Fibonacci came up with this unique sequence of numbers and where we can find the presence of this unique sequence of numbers, but before that let us understand in brief the Fibonacci sequence.

How Did Fibonacci Come Up With this Unique Sequence?

In 1202, Leonardo Fibonacci came up with a  book that was written especially for tradespeople so that they could read the book and perform calculations easily. It was called Liber Abaci. This book helped the Western world greatly by presenting the Hindu- Arabic arithmetic which turned out to be of great help for tracking losses, profits, loan balances, and so on. In this book, Fibonacci discussed at length the Fibonacci numbers.

In the book, Fibonacci discussed an experiment that he had conducted to find out how many rabbits could be reproduced in a single year from a single pair of rabbits. He found out that the answer was 144. When he observed carefully, Fibonacci found out that the sequence in which the rabbits were reproduced followed a unique pattern. The numbers in this unique pattern could be obtained by the addition of the previous two numbers of the sequence and that is how the Fibonacci sequence was obtained.

Where Can We Find the Presence of This Unique Sequence of Numbers?

We can find the Fibonacci sequence in a variety of things around us. Various research has been conducted which has confirmed the presence of this unique sequence in nature itself. Starting from the petals of flowers like lilies, marigolds, buttercup, and daisies to waves, seashells, and combinations of colors, we can observe the presence of the Fibonacci sequence in all these components of nature.

Various musicians have created wonderful musical strings that used the golden ratio which is obtained from the Fibonacci sequence. Who hasn’t heard about Monalisa? It is the most famous portrait painting created by Leonardo da Vinci. There were a lot of measurements done and it was discovered that the painting is drawn keeping in mind the golden ratio. We have various seeds of vegetables that exhibit these unique numbers. Many mathematicians use the concept of Fibonacci numbers in the subject of geometry. It has become a subject of great interest for people belonging to the field of science and includes coders, engineers, physicians, and so on.

What Do you Mean by Fibonacci Sequence?

Fibonacci sequence is a unique sequence that starts with the numbers 0 and 1 and then follows a common pattern in which every number of the sequence is the resultant of the addition of the previous two numbers. This unique sequence of numbers was first presented in a book called Liber Abaci in 1202 by Leonardo Fibonacci. If you observe carefully, you can find the presence of the Fibonacci sequence in various things around you. Even human bodies exhibit the presence of the Fibonacci sequence. We also derive the famous golden ratio with the help of this sequence. We can obtain the Fibonacci sequence in Pascal’s triangle also.

The Fibonacci sequence is a very interesting concept that fascinates us. If you want to learn about this unique sequence in detail and in an interesting and fun way, visit Cuemath and learn from the best teachers of the subject.

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